Schneeschuh-Wanderung über die Blasi-Alm nach Ettenhausen

Snowshoe hike from Schleching via the Blasi-Alm to Ettenhausen.

6 km


2:00 Std


919 m

highest point

406 m

meters upwards

424 m

meters downwards



The moderately difficult hike runs away from the crowds, mostly through the forest. We start in the Au in Schleching at the hiking car park and follow the signs towards Haidenholzalm. The path climbs through the winter forest for the first 2 km and always offers beautiful views of Schleching. At the Blasialm, we turn left at the crossroads towards the Geigelstein / Ettenhausen car park. Here a wide path first leads downhill through the forest, then on a flat stretch past the Knogler-Lahner-Steig and now climbs again slightly. At the top we come across a forest path, which we follow downhill to the left in the direction of the Geigelstein car park. After another 20 – 30 minutes we come to a junction and turn left there. We follow the path along the Schneiderhanggraben – be careful on this section of the route, tobogganers can come from above. After about 10 minutes we turn left, cross the bridge and shortly thereafter reach our destination, the Geigelstein car park.


Snowshoe Tours im Achental