Pilgrimage Churche “Unserer Lieben Frau zu den Sieben Linden”

The pilgrimage church in Raiten is the destination of the annual traditional costume pilgrimage of the traditional costume associations in southern Chiemgau.


Pilgrimage Churche “Unserer Lieben Frau zu den Sieben Linden”

The pilgrimage church “Our Lady of the Seven Linden Trees” stands high above the Schleching district of Raiten. The church takes its name from the seven linden trees that still stand around the Kirchbichel today. The church, which is rather inconspicuous from the outside, is surrounded by a mountain cemetery with wrought iron grave crosses. The building, which is essentially Romanesque and dates back to the 12th century, has its origins in the former castle chapel of a ministerial family. In the late Gothic period around 1440, the eastern choir and the sacristy were added, around 1500 an ossuary was built onto the sacristy and in the 16th century a new tower was built. Some of the renovations made a new consecration necessary, which was carried out in 1511 by Berthold Pürstinger, the bishop of the diocese of Chiemsee. The 17th century also brought many changes to the pilgrimage church, such as new altars, larger windows and new pews. The interior design today appears in the Baroque style.

Pilgrimages to Raiten

The first pilgrimages to Raiten probably took place in the 15th or 16th century. Since 1952, the traditional costume pilgrimage of the traditional costume associations in southern Chiemgau has taken place to St. Mary’s Church on Ascension Day. From Unterwössen, the pilgrims (with the exception of the Schlechinger traditional costume wearers, who make the pilgrimage from Schleching to Raiten) cross the Achen bridge to Raiten, where they are greeted by the Schlechinger cannon shooters. The Chiemgau Alpine Association leads the way with a flag and cross. Afterwards, a memorial service is held to honor the fallen and missing comrades of the last war. The service is accompanied musically by the Schleching music band and the Schlechinger singers.


Kirchbichl 2
83259 Schleching


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