Märchen-Erlebnispark Marquartstein

Let go of everyday life ...

Sommerrodelbahn Märchen-Erlebnispark Marquartstein

Märchen-Erlebnispark Marquartstein

Embedded in the wonderful nature of the Chiemgau mountains, the Marquartstein fairy tale adventure park inspires with its variety of leisure and play options, e.g. petting zoo. Let’s go into the wonderland to see Hansel and Gretel, Little Red Riding Hood, Snow White …
Additional information for barrier-free access: The first half of the amusement park is better suited for people with restricted mobility because of the flatter terrain.

The philosophy of the fairytale adventure park is to provide a space for parents and children to play together. We want to promote communication in the family by having shared experiences. We attach great importance to showing possible alternatives to electronic toys. What is important to us is the shared experience and design of leisure time in the fairy tale adventure park combined with the adventure of nature.

Opening Hours

  • Montag 09:30-18:00 |
  • Dienstag 09:30-18:00 |
  • Mittwoch 09:30-18:00 |
  • Donnerstag 09:30-18:00 |
  • Freitag 09:30-18:00 |
  • Samstag 09:30-18:00 |
  • Sonntag 09:30-18:00 |
  • Feiertag 09:30-18:00 |


Jägerweg 14
83250 Marquartstein


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